Physics II Laboratory
PHYS-204, 1 cr.
- Course Description: PHYS-204
- The second semester of NEIU's 200 level introductory physics laboratory,
PHYS-204 is the laboratory companion course to both
To enroll in PHYS-204, students must have taken or be currently enrolled in one of these two lecture courses.
PHYS-204 consists of a series of laboratory activities intended to give students a deeper conceptual understanding
of the subject matter in addition to imparting laboratory and quantitative skills. The Physics II Laboratories
cover a variety of subjects including charge, current, electric and magnetic fields, circuits,
light, optics, and modern physics.
Knowledge of algebra and trigonometry is required for this course.
See also the department
course description.
The list of specific topics to be studied can be found on the syllabus page.
1.0 Credits.
- Course Objectives
The experiments in this laboratory course are intended to develop a
deeper understanding of physics concepts related to mechanics, waves and thermodynamics.
In addition, this laboratory provides a practical foundation for the material covered in PHYS-207, and PHYS-202, as well as
encouraging collaborative learning among students. Lab activities encourage students to construct
physical models based on observations and experiments.
These experiments are designed to enhance traditional laboratory skills, and to reinforce topics covered in both
lectures and readings. To achieve these goals each experiment has been developed using the following design principles
which are based on physics education research:
- The materials for each weekly laboratory session are sequenced to provide a coherent observational basis for
understanding specific physics concepts.
- Laboratory activities encourage you to construct your own models of physical phenomena based on observations
and experiments.
- The activities are designed to help you avoid common misconceptions about physical phenomena that make it difficult
to understand essential principles in physics.
- The activities are designed to work best when performed in collaborative groups of three or four students.
- Computer based laboratory tools are used to collect and graph date in real time so you can test your predictions
- A learning cycle is incorporated into each set of related activities that consist of prediction, observation
comparison, analysis and quantitative experimentation.
- You are encouraged to discuss your ideas and findings with other members of your group, and other classmates.
- Each laboratory includes a pre-lab warm-up assignment and a post-lab homework assignment that reinforce critical
physics concepts and investigative skills.
- Required Laboratory Materials
- Provided and Web accessible
- Reference Materials
- Sokoloff, David R., Thornton, Ronald K. & Laws, Priscilla W.,
RealTime Physics, 5th ed.
Wiley, 1998.
- Laws, Priscilla W.,
Workshop Physics, 2nd ed.
Wiley, 2004.
- Location
All laboratory sections are held in S-237.
Regular class attendance is expected.
- Missed Laboratory Sections
- Makeup laboratories will not be given, except under very limited circumstances.
Make-ups will only be allowed for circumstances clearly beyond your control.
In addition, students are required to provide adequate documentation, and your instructor
must be notified in advance. See also
the NEIU student conduct code.
- Grading
- The final grade will be based on criteria which will
be provided by the instructor for your class.
- Pre-labs Assignments
- You are required to turn in the pre-lab assignment sheet at the start of each lab period.
You will receive a reduction of grade for the lab experiment if you do not have the pre-lab
sheet ready to hand in at the start of the lab period.
Many of the questions on the pre-lab sheet will ask you to make
predictions about what will happen when you carry out certain measurements
or laboratory exercises. You will receive credit for answering these questions
if you give answers that show evidence that you have thought about the situation
and what you expect to happen, whether you are right or wrong. The purpose of these
prelab questions is to get you thinking about the experiment. You will gain a much
greater understanding when you do the experiment if you have thought through
the pre-lab questions.
- Laboratory Based Homework
- Each lab contains a homework assignment. These homework assignments
should be completed by the following laboratory period.
You are expected to turn in your homework assignment at the beginning of the
next laboratory period.
- The questions in the homework assignments can all be answered based on the things you have
observed in the laboratory. If you are prepared for each laboratory and have been careful to accurately
describe your observations as you follow the instructions in the hand out, you should be able to answer
the homework questions by referring to these handouts. You are encouraged to discuss what you have
learned in the laboratory and how it applies to the homework questions with your classmates.
- Exams
- This course has an in-class midterm and final exam. The questions on these exams will
be similiar to the questions in the homework assignments.
- Tutorials
- Regular weekly hours are set up in the library for tutorials.
Tutors can be found in the learning center on the fourth floor
of the library. Please note,
these tutorials are intended for the 100 level general education
courses, but tutors may be able to help physics 204 students on
a second priority basis.
The current schedule for our tutors can be found here.
- Academic Integrity
- The NEIU policy on academic integrity can be found here.
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this site is licensed under a Creative Commons License.